A women's hands folded on top of a bible

Support for Life

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Overcoming Addiction - Nadine's Story
Overcoming Addiction - Nadine's Story
October 4, 2024

But God never abandoned Nadine, just as He never abandons any of us. One day, a friend invited her to Vineyard Columbus. Although her first visits didn’t bring an immediate breakthrough, she kept coming. It was during a sermon series titled Stranger in a Strange Land that Nadine

Addiction and Our Call as Followers of Christ
Addiction and Our Call as Followers of Christ
September 30, 2024

One pressing issue in our society today is the legalization of recreational marijuana in Ohio. Many are now asking, “If it’s legal, does that mean it’s okay for Christians to use it?”

COVID’s Effects on Marriage
COVID’s Effects on Marriage
June 3, 2021

One of the biggest areas impacted by the COVID-19 epidemic has been marriage & family relationships. I look at the last fourteen months as a Generational Storm that will take years to fully understand its impact on relationships and family life.

Prayer of Healing for Our Asian Community
Prayer of Healing for Our Asian Community
March 19, 2021

In 1 Corinthians 12:26 we read of the community of Christ: If one part suffers, every part suffers with it.

Caring for People with Mental Health Concerns
Caring for People with Mental Health Concerns
January 27, 2021

For many years, there have been different stigmas and connotations associated with mental health. This world can be a hard and stressful place to live and it’s important to acknowledge that mental health difficulties are real and prevalent.

Darkness and Light
Darkness and Light
December 2, 2020

As we enter Advent, the season in which we anticipate Christ’s arrival, I find myself thinking about Daylight Savings Time—probably because I’m sitting down to write this as my husband sets a reminder on his watch to turn our clocks back tonight.

Connecting With Others
Connecting With Others
October 30, 2020

Have you been telling yourself for a few years that you’ve always wanted to learn how to pray? Do you feel a call to leadership? Has God revealed the desire for more emotional resilience? Considering priorities and purpose is done best in meaningful relationships with others.

To Everything a Season
To Everything a Season
September 30, 2020

It is October and autumn is officially upon us — creating great joy for those of us who despise the heat and a sense of impending doom for those who hate to see it go.

The Problem & Promise of Pain
The Problem & Promise of Pain
July 29, 2020

We can meet with God in our pain. God himself stands with the weeping and the wounded. And when we find ourselves there, we find ourselves in close proximity to Him.

Get Involved

If you have a heart for helping others, we will help prepare you to be a part of this team.

Become a Life Support Prayer Partner

We’re looking for leaders to meet one on one with individuals on a short term basis to provide a listening ear, supportive encouragement, empowered prayer, and biblical guidance. If you’ve benefited from support and healing during a difficult life season or situation that has resulted in growth and freedom, you may wish to help others by providing similar one-on-one support.

Apply to Serve

Become a Support for Life Group Leader

We are looking for leaders who can create groups that offer a safe environment for those who are struggling to experience the love of Jesus and the care of his community. If you’ve benefited from support and healing during a difficult life season or situation that has resulted in growth and freedom, you may wish to help others by leading a support or recovery group related to the same issue.

Apply to Serve