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Membership Application

In order to become a member at Vineyard Columbus, you must complete this application in its entirety.

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Church Involvement



Membership at Vineyard Columbus is defined by a set of commitments.

Members of Vineyard Columbus commit to several habits that move our faith into action. These are commitments that we set before ourselves, that we encourage one another toward, and that we agree are important for living a flourishing, Biblical Christian life.

  1. I commit to a habit of weekly Sunday worship.
  2. I commit to a habit of serving with our gifts.*
  3. I commit to a habit of participating in a small group.
  4. I commit to a habit of regular and substantial financial giving.

* Here at Vineyard, we have a huge heart for serving the Next Generation among us. And when you become a member here, we ask all of our in-person members to serve our kids on two Sunday mornings a year as helpers in our kids ministry classrooms.

I agree with the Statement of Faith and would like to become a member of Vineyard Columbus.

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