Value Life Ethic
Vineyard Columbus has a long history of putting our Christian faith into concrete action. One of the ways we demonstrate that is in our commitment to not only theoretically holding an ethic of life... but also practically valuing the lives of the unborn and the lives of mothers who find themselves in extremely difficult or unexpected circumstances. And valuing not just with words, but with practical, substantial, and gracious support. If you'd like to hear more about our Value Life ministry and the posture we take, we've gathered multiple resources here:
- Listen to InBetween Podcast, September 2023, "Understanding Ohio's Proposed Abortion Amendment with Rich Nathan and Stephanie Ranade-Krider"
- Article by Senior Pastor Julia Pickerill - December 2021
- Article by Founding Pastor Rich Nathan - January 2019
- Listen to InBetween Podcast Season 3 Episode 16 “Human Dignity and Our Value Life Ethic.”
- Listen to InBetween Podcast Season 2 Episode 18, “Rebuilding A Culture That Values Life.”
If you or someone you know is in an unplanned pregnancy, please call our Value Life Hotline at (614) 259-5528. Please leave a detailed message and be assured we will respond within three to five business days.