discover leadership

Leadership at Vineyard Columbus

Leadership Opportunities at Vineyard Columbus

And David shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them.
PSALM 78:72

Have you felt God's invitation to lean into leadership? Do you feel like God is challenging you to share your talents, abilities, time, and effort for the good and the sake of others here at our church? We have two opportunities for you, one for those who are already leaders, and one for those of you who are not yet leading.

Two Opportunities:

If you are not currently leading and you are interested in leading at Vineyard Columbus we have an event for you. Discover Leadership is all about helping you prayerfully consider leveraging your God-given talents, abilities, time, and effort for the good and the sake of others. Check out the gatherings happening at each campus on September 17th.

If you are currently leading at Vineyard Columbus, we want to develop you. Our founding pastor Rich Nathan is doing a special group called Leadership | Kingdom, Theology & Mission for current leaders to help you grow deeper in your leadership. Learn more here.

Discover Leadership Gatherings

All Leaders Gathering 2025
All Leaders Gathering 2025
Mar 11, 2025
6:30 pm
9:00 pm

Over the past year, you've heard us talk a lot about taking time to consecrate ourselves, discern, and pray. We've talked with you about 'getting low, getting clean, and getting still'. Thank you for your intercession, and for sending so many words and Scriptures and impressions our way. Over the winter, we felt the Lord's stirring and as we have continued to work towards some clarity, we believe, along with our leadership team, our church counsel, our campus pastors, and our pastoral staff... that God has give us a pretty amazing redemptive quest to venture out on!
We have direction, but not all the details. We have a view of the horizon, but not a roadmap showing how to get there. And we have hope - so much hope!
For the future God is pointing Vineyard Columbus towards! Would you please make plans to join Eric and I on DATE TIME PLACE for an evening with other leaders from your campus community? We want to tell you the story of what God is speaking, which I believe will confirm what

Serve at this event

Leadership | Kingdom, Theology & Mission

Leadership | Kingdom, Theology & Mission is part of our new Leadership Training Series at Vineyard Columbus.

This is an intensive class and includes three quarters (10 Monday nights each) of reading, reflection, and group discussion on topics that are Biblical, theological, and practical. It is designed to be robust! If, as a current leader you have space, you have a sense of calling to grow as a leader, and/or you feel called to pursue future ministry involvement… this might be for you!

What it entails: You’d be committing to purchasing and reading two books every quarter, attending Monday evenings and one half-day intensive per quarter, and engaging in discussion (and probably sometimes debate!) within a larger group. We’re committing to offer you excellent leadership equipping, robust theological and practical training, and an experience with a challenging and encouraging learning community.  

This opportunity begins this September and registration is free; you can register below after reading details / dates below and discerning your ability to engage in the whole program.

Q1 - Understanding the Kingdom and the Work of the Holy Spirit
• Starting Monday, September 11 for 10 weeks from 7–9PM at Westerville Campus
Q2 - How to Interpret the Bible and Basic Theology
• Starting Monday, January 8 for 10 weeks from 7–9PM at Westerville Campus

Q3 – Reaching Our Community and Our World
• Starting Monday, April 1 for 10 weeks from 7–9PM at Westerville Campus

Bible in scenic outdoors