Leadership Foundations

Section 5

Final Commitment

In this final video, Eric and Julia draw your attention back to the leadership commitments laid out across these videos. As you hear the list of commitments required for leadership in Vineyard Columbus, prepare yourself to answer for each of them. If there’s an area where you disagree or feel you wish to discuss it more, be sure to note it next to that area on the leadership commitment form. At Vineyard Columbus, our leaders are committed to walking through areas of difference, and one of our leaders will follow up to connect with you and discuss your reservations. Leadership is a commitment to serving God’s kingdom through the local expression of Vineyard Columbus, and we want to make sure all our leaders are unified in these critical areas of our ministry.

5.0 - Final Commitment | 5:23

You’ve made it through the course, and you’ve heard a lot about our distinctives, convictions, and postures as a church. You were invited to this course because someone saw God at work in in your life in a way that was attractive and reminded them of Jesus. Now it’s time to consider carefully and respond to the commitments Vineyard Columbus invites leaders to and requires for leading in any area of the ministry of the church. If you do not feel like you can support one of the commitments on this list at this point, that’s okay – please be honest. One of our leaders would love to hear your objections or questions and to have a conversation with you. By noting a commitment that you cannot fully support right now, our leadership takes that as integrity on your part and an opportunity for discussion. It should not make you feel initially disqualified from leadership. When you have filled out a response to each commitment, click submit at the bottom of the form.


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Vineyard Columbus Leadership Commitment

As a leader at Vineyard Columbus, I commit myself, by the grace of God, to living and leading out of the following leadership distinctives, theological convictions and postures of the heart. These are above and beyond the habits I committed to as a church member (Sunday worship, serving with my gifts, participation in a small group, and regular and substantial financial giving):

  • Demonstrating and encouraging others toward a full expression of Vineyard’s mission to develop multiethnic communities of disciples who experience God, love one another, and partner with Christ to heal the world. (Ephesians 4:11-13)
  • Demonstrating and encouraging others toward our leadership distinctives:

    1. Leaders are set apart and committed to continual formation and spiritual maturity. (1 Timothy 3:2-10)
    2. Leaders have a spirit of generosity and demonstrate it through a habit of tithing to this local church. (Matthew 6:19-20; Psalm 24:1-2; Proverbs 11:25)
    3. Leaders hold relationships in high regard, being especially attentive to our call to be peacemakers, to honor marriage covenants, and to practice safekeeping of the vulnerable in our midst. (John 13:33-35; Matthew 18:15-17; Matthew 18:6)
    4. Leaders practice Biblical self-control and temperance in how we deal with temptations, and agree that for Christians, sex belongs within marriage. (Matthew 19:4-6; 1 Corinthians 6:12)
    5. Leaders represent Christ and Vineyard Columbus, both in person and in online spaces, in a way that demonstrates being a ‘credit to the faith’. (1 Timothy 3:1-13)
  • Demonstrating and encouraging others toward alignment with and/or being willingly yielded to our theological convictions about Kingdom Multiethnicity (Revelation 7:9), Women in Leadership (Joel 2:28), Gender and Sexuality (Genesis 1:27), Gifts of the Spirit (Ephesians 1:13-14), and a Consistent Ethic of Life (Matthew 25:40).
  • Demonstrating and encouraging others in our posture toward those who don’t follow God through Christ, sin in the Christian community, and other expressions of Christian church. (John 15:12)
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